APCVD forwards racist insults to footballer Otávio Ataíde to the MP

The Authority for the Prevention and Combat of Violence in Sports (APCVD) today sent to the Public Ministry “all available information” about the racist insults received by Brazilian footballer Otávio Ataíde, from Famalicão.

APCVD promptly gathered all available information, in order to forward the resulting file to the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Commission for Equality and Against Racial Discrimination (CICDR), taking into account the legal competence of such entities in this field, enabling the initiation of investigative measures understood as convenient”, can be read in a statement released today.

According to that authority, it is not within its scope to act on this case, since “the aforementioned acts did not take place during the sporting event”, in this case Sporting-Famalicão on Sunday.

Today, Ataíde revealed that he had received messages on social media with racist insults, which he published on his page on the social network Instagram, considering these “serious offenses” of a “racist and xenophobic nature”.

According to the young central defender, aged 21, these communications were sent by “supporters of the opposing team”.

“I’m very proud of the color of my skin and the country I came from. My character and my professionalism were shaped by the place where I was born and raised. In the 21st century, with all these years of fighting for equality, we still see scenarios of racism. Recently, there was the episode involving Vinícius Jr. that moved the world and, even so, it seems that some people still haven’t learned that we are all equal. This is not just my fight, but everyone’s and I’m not giving up”, concluded, in a publication accompanied by images of the messages.

Later, Famalicão himself asked that those responsible for the “racist and xenophobic” insults against the player be held responsible, after a game, on Sunday, in which the Lisbon team beat the Minho team 1-0, in the third round of the I League.

“Famalicão demonstrates its solidarity with the player Otávio. (…) The entire structure stands by the player at all times, committing to make every effort to hold perpetrators accountable for their actions” , said the club.

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