Opacity attracts the worst and drives away the best”, warns Rui Moreira

The president of the Porto City Council (CMP), Rui Moreira, considered today that “opacity in sport attracts the worst and drives away the best” and welcomed initiatives that promote reflection and transparency.

ui Moreira was speaking at the opening session of a debate on integrity in sport, at Palácio da Bolsa, as part of the Sport Integrity Week 2023 event, promoted by SIGA (Sport Integrity Global Alliance), in 35 cities in 21 countries.

The mayor considered “gratifying” and “timely” a conference that “fights for ethics in sport” and addresses essential values ​​such as “integrity, equity, sporting truth, justice and fair-play, values ​​that must always be present”.

“It is very gratifying to host a conference that fights for ethics”, said Rui Moreira, referring to the debate with several sports agents on Integrity in Sport The (new) challenges, taking place at Palácio da Bolsa.

Emanuel Medeiros, executive director of SIGA — a global organization aimed at promoting integrity in sport — drew a parallel between the values ​​of Porto, ‘a very noble, loyal and undefeated city’, and those of the organization he directs.

The conference, with speakers linked to the sports industry and justice, opens space for debate on best practices for integrity and transparency in sport, as well as its governance, promoting the acculturation of a sustainable and reliable sports ecosystem.

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